![Johnie Doe](/hugo-theme-event-demo/en/speakers/johnie-doe-a2b7cdd1-faa7-417e-a856-058911f7e123/avatar.webp)
The History of the Doe Family
The Doe family has a rich and varied history. The surname “Doe” is believed to have Norman origins, arriving in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The family originally lived in Somerset, and their name is thought to derive from the Norman French “Castle of O” or “D’O,” meaning "from O". The Doe family held lands in Lancashire from very early times, granted by Duke William of Normandy for their assistance at the Battle of Hastings in 10661. Over the centuries, the surname has seen various spellings, including Doe and Dow, due to the lack of standardized spelling in Old and Middle English. In more recent history, the Doe family has also been associated with the Romany community in Southern England. A book titled “The Family Tree of Francis Doe: From the 1720s to the early 20th century” by Stephen Doe explores this aspect of their history.
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Johnie Doe
Doe Doe Doe
Son of John and Jane Doe, married to Janie Doe and father of Baby Doe.... read more